We set a course for the closest town, Spanish, 12 miles away and through Little Detroit Narrows. The approach to Spanish is a bit tricky as there is a 4.5 foot section between the first and second set of buoys so this discourages most boats with 5 foot+ drafts.
The harbor today was filled with trailer sailors ending their 2 week cruise of the North Channel. Spanish is a great place to launch as their ramp is deep and the marina even has a gin pole to help lift heavier masts. The trailer sailor boats are 10-26’ in length, have dagger or center boards which lift easily to beach, have iceboxes, 10 gallon holding tanks and extend their 5’ headroom with pop-ups. This is boat camping at its best. This group was affiliated with Trailer Sailor Association (http://www.trailersailors.org/ ) which had arranged potlucks at Spanish, pancake breakfast at Croacker Island, Happy Hour in their dinghies and lots of games. Camaraderie and looking out for each other is their hallmark. This was especially important when 1 boater got separated from the group for a few days, did not answer his radio, so the Ontario Provincial Police was contacted, dispatched a patrol boat and found the sailor who was having engine problems as a line was wrapped around his prop.
Spanish has a great nature trail high above the harbor with a great view. The grocery store is a mile down the road, but the Le Bel Abri B&B was not open for breakfast.